Why Open Source DEA?
There exist DEA software programs although these are generally either not really comprehensive or really expensive. Besides, few simple open source DEA projects can be found. This project is an attempt to provide free (as in free beer but also freedom to use and modify) open source code which can be used and modified by anyone.
Who could be interested?
This project is of use to people who have an interest in DEA and who have some knowledge of programming in JAVA. This could particularly be:
- Researchers,
- Students,
- Operational Research folks.
- Anybody with an interest in Data Envelopment Analysis open source code and software.
The following people have contributed either directly or through the Creative Common License ©:
- Hubert Virtos, the project holder.
- Cihan Cetin, Ian Cliffe and Richard Harrop for their help and suggestion on how to improve the code.
- Expert web monkey Ryan Bolton who spent hours explaining me the basics of HTML, css and scripting languages.
- Sirea icons from rw-designer.com.
Interested in contributing? If you are interested in the project and want to contribute to developing OSDEA, just send an email so that you can get started!
Why the cooking pot icon?
No particular reason except that it looks nice.
Icon was found in an icon library made by Sirea.
Please do not hesitate to send an email should you have any question or suggestions! Any feedback is always welcomed!