
This page shows how the OSDEA Solver can be called in your java program to solve a DEA Problem.

If you want to look at how simple it is to code your own DEA model using OSDEA, you might be interested in looking at the ‘Write Your Model’ page.

package org.yourpackage;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.opensourcedea.dea.*;

public class CallTheDEASolver {

  static String[] testDMUNames = new String[7];
  static String[] testVariableNames = new String [3];
  static VariableOrientation[] testVariableOrientations = new VariableOrientation[3];
  static VariableType[] testVariableTypes = new VariableType[3];
  static double[] [] testDataMatrix = new double[7] [3];

  public static void main(String[] args) {


     //Create a DEAProblem and specify number of DMUs (7) and number of variables (3).
     DEAProblem tester = new DEAProblem(7, 3);

     //Set the DEA Problem Model Type (CCR Input Oriented).

     //Set the DEA Problem DMU Names where testDMUName is a double[].

     //Set the DEA Problem Variable Names where testVariableName is a String[].

     //Set the DEA Problem Variable Orientation where testVariableOrientation is a VariableOrientation[].

     //Set the DEA Problem Variable Types where testVariableTypes is a VariableType[].

     /* Set the DEA Problem Data Matrix where testDataMatrix is a double[] [].
      * Each row of the Matrix corresponds to the DMU in the DMUNames array.
      * Each Column of the Matrix corresponds to the Variable in the Variables Arrays.*/

       try {
          //Solve the DEA Problem

          //Get the solution Objectives
          double[] objectives = tester.getObjectives();

          /* Get the solution Reference Set.*/
          ArrayList<NonZeroLambda>[] referenceSets = new ArrayList[7];
          referenceSets = tester.getReferenceSet();

          /* Get the solution Slacks.
           * The first array corresponds to the DMUs.
           * The second nested array corresponds to the Slack values.*/
          double[] [] slacks = tester.getSlacks();

          /* Get the solution Projections.
           * The first array corresponds to the DMUs.
           * The second nested array corresponds to the Projection values.*/
          double[] [] projections = tester.getProjections();

          /* Get the solution Weights.
           * The first array corresponds to the DMUs.
           * The second nested array corresponds to the Weight values.*/
          double[] [] weights = tester.getWeight();

          /* Get the DMU ranks.
           * The boolean confirms that the Highest DMU score is ranked first.
           * The STANDARD ranking type confirms that the ranking is standard.
           * This means that if they are two DMUs with an efficiency score of 1 both will be ranked first.
           * However, the following DMU will only be ranked 3rd as they are two DMUs which score better than it.
           * Conversely, a DENSE RankingType will have given the following (3rd) DMU the ranking of second.
           * The precision is the int value (between 0 and 16) used to round the score values before ranking
           * the objectives.*/
          int[] ranks = tester.getRanks(true, RankingType.STANDARD, 5);
       catch (Exception e) {

  private static void createData() {

     //Set up the DMU Names
     testDMUNames[0] = "DMU A";
     testDMUNames[1] = "DMU B";
     testDMUNames[2] = "DMU C";
     testDMUNames[3] = "DMU D";
     testDMUNames[4] = "DMU E";
     testDMUNames[5] = "DMU F";
     testDMUNames[6] = "DMU G";

     //Set up the Variable Names
     testVariableNames[0] = "Wood";
     testVariableNames[1] = "Twigs";
     testVariableNames[2] = "Fire";

     //Set up the Data Matrix
     testDataMatrix [0] [0] = 4;
     testDataMatrix [0] [1] = 3;
     testDataMatrix [0] [2] = 1;

     testDataMatrix [1] [0] = 7;
     testDataMatrix [1] [1] = 3;
     testDataMatrix [1] [2] = 1;

     testDataMatrix [2] [0] = 8;
     testDataMatrix [2] [1] = 1;
     testDataMatrix [2] [2] = 1;

     testDataMatrix [3] [0] = 4;
     testDataMatrix [3] [1] = 2;
     testDataMatrix [3] [2] = 1;

     testDataMatrix [4] [0] = 2;
     testDataMatrix [4] [1] = 4;
     testDataMatrix [4] [2] = 1;

     testDataMatrix [5] [0] = 10;
     testDataMatrix [5] [1] = 1;
     testDataMatrix [5] [2] = 1;

     testDataMatrix [6] [0] = 3;
     testDataMatrix [6] [1] = 7;
     testDataMatrix [6] [2] = 1;

     //Set up the variable types
     testVariableOrientations [0] = VariableOrientation.INPUT;
     testVariableOrientations [1] = VariableOrientation.INPUT;
     testVariableOrientations [2] = VariableOrientation.OUTPUT;

     testVariableTypes[0] = VariableType.STANDARD;
     testVariableTypes[1] = VariableType.STANDARD;
     testVariableTypes[2] = VariableType.STANDARD;
