Current Version (0.2)
You can download the OSDEA-GUI Solver from the link below. The downloads includes both an executable jar (the solver) and the lpsolve libraries for different computer architectures (e.g. windows 32, windows 64 etc.). In order to use OSDEA-GUI on your computer, you will have to install lpsolve on your machine. See installation instructions below for further details. OSDEA-GUI requires java to run and is JRE1.6. compliant.
Installation Instructions
The installation only consists of installing lpsolve on your machine (basically copying two libraries in a system folder). Detailed installation instructions can be found here.
Once opensourcedea-gui is installed on your machine, you can run the program by double-clicking on the executable JAR (OSDEA-GUI-vX.x.jar). On windows, if double-clicking on the JAR doesn’t open the program, you should run jarfix from this web site